Top 7 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Home’s Electrical System

It’s a brand new year, which means you have 365 new days to set new goals and develop new habits. When coming up with New Year’s resolutions this year, don’t forget about your electrical system! It’s important you stay safe and comfortable. Here are the top 7 New Year’s resolutions to set for your home’s electrical system.

1. Inspect All Electrical Outlets

This new year, you should make sure to check all electrical outlets for any warning signs. If you notice any unusual warmth, discoloration, or smell, then you should have them checked out by a professional electrician right away.

2. Test Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors can save a life. That’s why it’s so important to make sure they are working properly. If they aren’t working, first try changing the batteries. If that doesn’t solve the problem, then look at getting them replaced.

3. Install A Whole-House Surge Protector

Protect your expensive and valuable appliances and electronics with a whole-house surge protector. They can help prevent damage from outside threats, such as lightning storms, downed power lines, and other things that can cause a power surge within the home.

4. Replace Incandescent Light Bulbs With LEDs

Did you know that LED lights use only a fraction of the electricity that incandescent lights use – AND they can last 35-50 times longer? To save energy and money, invest in LEDs this year!

5. Install GFCI Outlets

If you don’t already have GFCI outlets, make sure to have them installed. GFCI outlets are electrical outlets with an extra line of defense against electrocution. They immediately remove electricity from the circuit when it detects a difference in the amount of energy passing through and returning back to the device. This is essential to have in any area of your home with a water source present, like your kitchen or bathroom.

6. Inspect Your Light Bulbs

Do you notice your light bulbs are burning out faster than usual? It could be due to incorrect wattage. Make sure your light bulbs have the correct wattage to not only prolong the life of your light bulb but to also make sure there’s no overheating or melting of the wiring.

7. Throw Out Damaged Cords

This year, go through your home and check the cords around the house. It’s important that you never use a cord that appears damaged or frayed, as it could lead to electric shock – especially if the wire is exposed. It’s best to discard or replace the cord as soon as you notice damage and refrain from using it. A special note to all the DIYers out there – never use tape to repair any cord under any circumstance!

Contact The Pros At Spark Daddy In St. Louis, MO For All Your Electrical Needs!

Are you looking to schedule an electrical service, repair, or replacement in your St. Louis, MO home? Spark Daddy is here for all your electrical needs! Give us a call today at 314-668-2333 or contact us online. We are always here to help!

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