6 Dangerous Electrical Myths You Should Stop Believing Now

Electricity is dangerous, and you shouldn’t ever handle it on your own unless you have the proper training, knowledge, and skills to do so safely. These electrical myths can be extremely harmful and even deadly, so we want to set the record straight here. Stop believing these 6 electrical myths right now.

1. Myth: For A Shock To Be Deadly, It Must Be High Voltage

Low voltage doesn’t necessarily mean low harm. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), electric shocks can be fatal at even relatively low voltages. That being said, it’s never safe to assume that just because a voltage may be low, it won’t still cause harm. The current is what ultimately determines how dangerous an electric threat could be. A low voltage with a strong current can still be harmful, and even deadly.

2. Myth: All Live Wires Create A Spark

Never assume that just because a wire hasn’t sparked, it isn’t life. You should just assume any wire, whether it has fallen or not, is dangerous and stay away. A wire that is life but hasn’t sparked could be because the wires are de-energizing. They are, no matter what, still extremely dangerous to touch. Make sure to stay away from wires, even if they don’t appear to be live.

3. Myth: The More Protective Gear You Wear, The Better

This might seem like it would be true, but it’s not. In fact, it’s more important that you have the right PPE than having several layers of gear that don’t work to protect against electric shock. Wearing the wrong gear can be just as dangerous as if you had no gear on at all. Before you ever touch electricity, make sure you are wearing the right gear – and that you are trained to handle the problem at hand.

4. Myth: Wood Is A Natural Insulator

You have probably heard that wood is a natural insulator. However, this isn’t true. A lot of wooden ladders, for example, still contain metal. Not only that, but wood is actually a fairly weak conductor, so you shouldn’t use wooden structures when working with live wires.

5. Myth: Rubber Objects Are Well-Insulated

Have you ever heard that rubber objects are well-insulated and safe when electricity is involved? For example, your tires are NOT insulators, they’re electrical conductors. While it is true that you’re safe in your car when a live wire falls on it because electricity always seeks the easiest path to the ground, it’s important to remember that tires are not insulators. This goes for other rubber objects, as well. Only 100% pure rubber insulates. When it comes to your gloves and shoes, for example, they are usually mixed with cheaper materials and are most likely not 100% rubber. That being said, your rubber gloves and shoes can be conductors of electricity – not insulators.

6. Myth: A Power Line Is Always Insulated

Actually, did you know that about 90% of power lines are uninsulated and bare? While they may have weather coating, there’s no insulation to protect against electric shock. That’s why you should never touch a power line, and leave a job like that to the professionals.

Contact The Pros At Spark Daddy In St. Louis, MO For All Your Electrical Needs!

Are you looking to schedule an electrical service, repair, or replacement in your St. Louis, MO home? Spark Daddy is here for all your electrical needs! Give us a call today at 314-668-2333 or contact us online. Take action with your electrical system now!

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